The JSS Teams Advantage
For Integrated Paper and Board Operations
For manufacturers of both paper products for corrugated board, as well as corrugated boards, JSS Teams Additives can provide a competitive advantage. JSS Teams is a specialist corrugated products supplier and in an integrated process from pulp to paper to corrugated products, JSS Teams’s cross linking technology will make stronger papers and boards as well as reduce energy costs. JSS Teams is also the market leader in water resistance to provide wet strength to boards and papers. Used in integrated operations JSS Teams’s additives can increase output and reduce costs. Ask us how we can help your operations leverage the JSS Teams Advantage.

A World of Additives

Corrugated Cardboard
JSS Teams has an extensive range of additives for adhesion in making corrugated boards. Our additives work in numerous functionalities. Explore an additive that is right for you.
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Paper Products
Proven results show JSS Teams’s Dry Strength Additive will increase crush strength to your papers as well as increase output by quicker drying time on the forming rolls.
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