Wet Strength Resins

Hydratite PE 20T

Increased running speeds on Semi chemical mediums and high-performance Kraft liners.

Hydratite EK28G

Excellent bonding with local recycled sized and un-sized papers, imported liners, imported semi chem mediums, of all types

Hydratite EK62

Hydratite EK62 is the newest addition to our line of high wet strength product. This unique blend of specialty designed resins, designed to increase corrugators performance and give a high level of water resistance. It will increase speed on difficult to bond substrate.

Hydratite X2-1

Fastest penetration on “highly-sized mediums and liners to make strong board”. High penetration combined with strong cross-linking. The newest addition to our line of quality wet strength products.

Hydratite X2-2

Increased running speeds on difficult to penetrate “sized papers”. High penetration combined with strong cross-linking.

Ultralink® P4x

Excellent for all difficult to bond papers. This formaldehyde free liquid is also a liquid borax and will help create a safer workplace. The improvement in warp will save money in running costs of your corrugator.

Hydratite EK28

Excellent bonding with local recycled sized and un-sized papers, imported liners, imported semi chem mediums, of all types